Sunday 18 March 2018

Coming forth into this physical body

I'm reading 'Ask and It Shall Be Given' and read this statement: "When you made the decision to come forth into this physical body, you fully understood your eternal connection to Source Energy, and you knew that your emotions would be constant indicators that would let you know, in every moment, your current relationship with Source Energy". The problem I have understanding this is that throughout our lives as we grow from child to teen to young adult to older adult, our emotions and thoughts are all over the place. Some ideas and thoughts we have as a teen are really not in our best interest, long term, no matter how enthusiastic we are at the time. So how could that be thought of as connecting with Source? We feel good in the moment, we think it's a positive path for us to be on because it feels good but later in life we find it wasn't a good path for us. Our thought processes mature, etc. So I'm not sure how at any given time in our lives we can be sure we are on a good path just because our emotions tell us we feel good about something. Lets say you have a family, small children. You're still a young parent so part of you resents that you can no longer spend alot of time with your friends, going out partying whenever you want, etc. You know that being with friends and partying feel good and that tending to your parental obligations all the time feels burdensome. So you choose to neglect spending time with your children in favor of having a strong personal life with friends. Over the years your children grow up, they are used to not having you around and build their own life with other supports. As you get older and your old friends fade away, you want to turn to your adult children for companionship. But they have their own lives and have no real connection with you, so don't want to see you. You're heartbroken and lonely. So that seems to be not true, that whatever makes us feel good in the moment is always good for us. (This scenario is just an example to illustrate, it's not something I've done).

Monday 12 March 2018

Dont look at what's missing

You have created this vision of all of this and you're contradicting your own vision by looking at your current reality! Ooo … did you hear how powerful that is?! When you’re pointing out what’s missing from your life that you want, you keep 'what’s missing' active in your vibration and you prevent it from coming. It's time for you to figure out that you can feel better in the not having of it, in order to have it. -Abraham

Saturday 10 March 2018

How we attract negative relationships

In the midst of feeling extreme negative emtion or in some situation they are living, they think that the separation from this person will solve the majority of their problems. But most people find little or no improvement in the way they feel about their ex-partner after the divorce. In fact, most work so hard at justifying why the divorce was a good idea, that they hold themselves in vibrational alignment with all those things about the relationship that they did not want. So now, even though they are not living in the same space, the other‘s uncomfortable presence remains a daily occurrence, even when they do not actually see one another or interact face to face. And because their vibration did not change, even though the physical details of their lives together did change, their next relationship is fraught with the same uncomfortable issues as was the last. Remember that this relationship, uncomfortable as it was, has caused you to evolve, and your InnerBeing stands right now as the vibrational expression of that expanded being. If you can find good feeling thoughts and train yourself to practise into vibrational alignment with those thoughts, you can benefit from the experience. But only in finding and maintaining better feeling thoughts can you close that gap and actually be the expanded being that your life has caused you to become. :-Abraham Hicks